Sunday, April 09, 2006

In the Beginning

Note that this post has been here a long time, long before the war on Lebanon started

VoilĂ , that's my first posting..

It's a pity that in the blog template I chose all the letters of the blog title are capitalized. Explanation.. Well the title is xawaaTir. x is pronounced like j in Spanish or 'ch' in German Buch or h Gaelic loch. Capital 'T' is an emphatic t, an Arabic letter which is, like all other emphatic Arabic characters, is difficult for foreigners to pronounce.

When the template capitalizes the title, it renders all the letters as equals. But that's not the case: some are more equal than others. Anyway, I'll shut up and change the template if i have the jleede. More later on what jleede is and where you can get good jleede buys..

Usually my language description is more straight-forward and clear than this, promise. Check my 'Learning Lebanese Arabic' for grammars, word lists, and songs+lyrics on the language. I put it online just today, follow the link on the right.



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